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Aktuelles Open Day

Aktuelles Open Day

OPEN DAY As every year, we want to take the opportunity this spring to present our new vintage to our customers. We would like to invite you to spend a day with us at our estate in Alsheim, on Saturday, 16th June. We would be happy to send you further details by...

The Estate

THE ESTATE The foundation stone for the Rappenhof (lit. The Black Horse Estate) was laid as far back as the early 17th century, in 1604 by Hieronymus Hirsch, the forefather and progenitor of our family, who was to pave the way for a more than 400 year-old winemaking...

Aktuelles Generations

Thirteen Generations. Three Classics. The new Baseline. HIERONYMUS UND ALEXANDER Our new line Hieronymus and Alexander stands for 13 generations of family history, from 1604 with Hieronymus Hirsch, the progenitor of our family and founder of the estate, until today....

Lage Pettenthal

NIERSTEINER PETTENTHAL VDP.Große Lage (Grand cru)   Our vineyard in Niersteiner Pettenthal on the Roter Hang (Red Slope) is one of those special sites which produce outstanding Grosse Gewächse (dry grand cru wines). The vines grow on red clayish slate, which even...

Lage Oelberg

NIERSTEINER OELBERG VDP.Große Lage (Grand cru)   Located in the southern part of the Roter Hang (Red Slope), the fruit which ripens here on the skeletal red slate soils is small-berried and particularly aromatic. Profiting likewise from its proximity to the River...

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