von raAdk204Ksd | Sep. 13, 2017 | Family
ELISABETH MUTH The upcoming 13th generation, Elisabeth Muth, studied architecture in Darmstadt and Zurich. Besides working as an architect in Munich, Elisabeth supports the estate at presentations and trade fairs at home and abroad....
von raAdk204Ksd | Sep. 12, 2017 | Family
KARIN MUTH Karin Muth likewise comes from a Rheinhessen winegrowing family. She takes care of all the administrative tasks in the winery and organizes events and trade fair presentations at home and abroad....
von raAdk204Ksd | Sep. 11, 2017 | Family
KLAUS MUTH The present owner of the Rappenhof, Klaus Muth, is a 12th generation, direct descendant of the founder Hieronymus Hirsch. After completing his law studies in Mainz and Lausanne, he took over the reins of the family estate and in addition to managing the...
von raAdk204Ksd | Sep. 10, 2017 | Family
THE FAMILY The Rappenhof has remained under the ownership of the Hirsch-Muth family for over 400 years. Founded in 1604 by Hieronymus Hirsch, the way was paved for a more than 400 year-old winemaking tradition....
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